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HEAT-Key Stage 4 Track Impact Report: 2021 Exam Cohort

Full report on File Store (HEAT members only)
Lightbulb on purple background, representing the Key Stage 4 Track Impact Report.

Key Findings

* ‘Learners engaged in attainment-raising outreach’ are those who participated in at least five hours of ‘Skills and Attainment’ outreach activities. Find out more in the Methodology section.

A 100% bar chart indicating the percentage of learners in low, average, and high prior attainment within four sub-groups: HEP all pupils, HEP FSM pupils, UCP all pupils, UCP FSM pupils. About half of the learners engaged were in the 'average' prior band, across all four groups. UCP engaged more students in low prior attainment than HEPs.
Figure 1: Cohorts of attainment-raising outreach participants by attainment at Key Stage 2
A clustered bar chart for the HEP cohort. At the top it is comparing the % of FSM pupils with average prior attainment achieving 9-4 in English and Maths of a group of student who participated in attainment raising outreach with those who did not.Below, the same is shown for pupils achieving 9-5 in English and Maths. Both metrics show better results for participants and the gaps are statistically significant.
Figure 2: Key Stage 4 Attainment of FSM pupils in the higher education provider cohort with 'average' attainment at Key Stage 2
A clustered bar chart for the UCP cohort. At the top it is comparing the % of FSM pupils with average prior attainment achieving 9-4 in English and Maths of a group of student who participated in attainment raising outreach with those who did not.Below, the same is shown for pupils achieving 9-5 in English and Maths. Both metrics show better results for participants and the gaps are statistically significant, but not as large as for the HEP cohort.
Figure 3: Key Stage 4 Attainment of FSM pupils in the Uni Connect partnership cohort with 'average' attainment at Key Stage 2
  1. Targeted outreach is intended to help recipients in specific local areas with low progression to HE make well-informed decisions about their future education. Strategic outreach focuses on further support for students where a local information, advice and guidance or outreach ‘cold spot’ exists.
  2. The ‘Activity Type’ field is used by HEAT to collate similar activities for aggregate national reporting. HEAT members are encouraged to accurately assign their activities to a type to ensure consistency across the HEAT membership.
  3. The three prior attainment bands low/average/high are based on pupils’ average scaled score in English reading and Maths. ‘Low’ attainers scored below 100, ‘average’ attainers scored between 100 and 110, and ‘high’ attainers scored 110 or more.
  4. Owing to the difficulty of collecting student data for true non-participating students, those who engaged only in one single ‘General HE Information’ activity are used as a proxy for the counterfactual group of non-participants. ‘General HE Information’ events are typically light touch interventions lasting no longer than one hour without an attainment-raising focus.
  5. Note that students may have taken part in outreach with both a HEP and a UCP, or in activity jointly delivered, which means they are considered in both groups.
  6. From the 2022 exam cohort onwards, more data will be available in the SRS for the purpose aggregate analysis, allowing for the development of our evaluation approach.
  7. The Summer 2021 exam cohort was the second of two cohorts impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. Due to its impact on the summer exam series, 2021 exam results are not comparable to other exam years and data otherwise proving useful for comparison in the absence of a closely matched comparator group, such as school-level attainment data, is unavailable.
  8. The DfE classes pupils as disadvantaged if they are known to have been eligible for FSM at any point in the past six years, if they are recorded as having been looked after, or if they are recorded as having been adopted from care. Note this is a slightly wider definition than just FSM.
  9. Students may have participated in activity with both a HEP and a UCP; therefore, the count of students in each of these groups should not be summed. Approximately 5,000 students feature in both cohorts, primarily due to shared activity delivery.
  10. The national distribution of KS4 students across the three prior attainment bands in 2020/21 was as follows: 33% low, 52% average, 15% high prior attainment (DfE, 2022).

Chowdry, H., Crawford, C., Dearden, L., Goodman, A.- and Vignoles, A. (2013) Widening participation in higher education: analysis using linked administrative data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, vol. 176, pp. 431–457.

Department for Education (2015) Factors associated with achievement: key stage 4. URL: (accessed 25/03/2024)

Department for Education (2022) Academic year 2020/21 Key stage 4 performance. URL: (accessed 22/03/2024)

HEAT (2022) Targeting attainment raising outreach. URL: (accessed 22/03/2024)

HEAT & TASO (2021) An investigation into the relationship between outreach participation and KS4 attainment: analysis based on the HEAT aggregate dataset (Technical appendix 1). URL: (accessed 27/03/2024)

Office for Students (2018) Regulatory Advice 6: Good practice advice on the preparation of access and participation plans for 2019-20. URL: (accessed 04/03/2024)

Office for Students (2019) Standards of evidence and evaluating impact of outreach. URL: (accessed 05/03/2024)

Office for Students (2022a) Insight Brief: Schools, attainment and the role of higher education. URL: (accessed 05/03/2024)

Office for Students (2022b) Uni Connect: Guidance on priorities, Attainment raising. URL: (accessed 05/03/2024)

Office for Students (2022c) Next steps in access and participation [speech transcript]. URL: (accessed 22/03/2024)

Office for Students (2023) Regulatory notice 1: Access and participation plan guidance. URL: (accessed 05/03/24)

Teach First (2017) Impossible? Beyond access: getting to university and succeeding. (accessed 04/03/2024)

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